Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Update - -

I am finally discharged from my broken leg incident from back in early February and it is SO GOOD to be able to drive again and walk normal again.  And I definitely will not miss waddling like a "pregnant penguin" when I walk.  Life is good!

Also, I signed an agreement with a publisher on May 2 to publish my first volume of personal writings.  This will be a three-part book with poems, articles and a short story.  So you guessed it!  I am most assuredly in the throes of getting everything formatted to their specifications, doing my cover design, my arthur blurb and a short synopsis of the book itself.  I had a "photo shoot" (LOL) yesterday to have a current author picture for the cover . . . I did not think this was necessary but the publisher did, so I complied.  If you just knew how badly I hate to be in front of a camera . . .! 

If all goes well I plan to submit everything as completed by this coming Saturday, May 19!  Then the bulk of my work will be done and the ball will be in the publisher's court.  Yeah!  I will put a link on my blog page when it is put on the market in case any of you want to get a copy.  This will lead to a webpage where you can direct order your own personal copy.  This is a real adventure for me . . . I have never delved into the realm of publishing before so I am literally flying by the seat of my pants here . . . but so far it has been kind of a game for me to be able to keep within my own set time parameters and so far, I am ahead of the game!