Thursday, April 21, 2011


Infinite love and boundless care,
Qualities in humans, if found are rare.
But yet in the great sky above the deep blue,
These qualities await us . . . for me and for you.

God is to humans an infinite being,
We know He is there even though we can’t see Him.
We feel His presence in all situations,
And pray that He will graciously favor all nations.

We pray for His guidance in all that we do,
Day in and day out, whether it be old or be new.
We beg for His presence when sorrows appear,
We are fine to know just that He is near.

We seek His aid in times of disarray,
We want His comfort especially during these days.
When illness bears down on us in the dark of night,
We want Him right there to help in our strife.

We ask Him for help with the tiniest of concerns,
We want Him in our life and for this, we yearn.
We also want Him to share in our joy,
Especially with the birth of a girl or a boy.

We want Him to send in the sunshine and rain,
We need it for all of our harvests of grain.
We want Him to help us in times of sore trials,
For help with His hand, there is no denial.

We ask so much of Him, yet give little in return,
He just asks we trust Him and to His ways turn.
We have been so blessed in this land of the free,
But it all comes from the blessings of our God, the Great He.

We should count our blessings and write them side by side,
We would be surprised to see what He so bountifully provides.
We should remember His continual grace,
And keep our lives headed for the right place.

We should read the bible, the great book of His laws,
 And don’t let our life be like a swing or seesaw.
We can look about and know He is there,
You can see that His presence abounds everywhere.

The stars the moon and the bright noonday sun,
How could we ever the great He to shun.
The thunder and the lightning bolts oftentimes flare,
He is letting us know He controls, but He cares.

The beauties of the land, He made them all,
For us to see and view with great awe.
The mountains and canyons that hide in lambent light,
He made them to be such a beautiful sight.
He gave us the rainbows and the early sunrise,
He is painting his artwork all through the skies.
The oceans, the rivers, the streams and the seas,
He put them there just for everyone to see.

He has blessed each one of us with so much of life,
We should be thankful and pray every night.
We should remember to give thanks through the day,
We should also live  to walk in His way.

And through all of this life,
God is watching us right. 

God is watching us as we go through each day,
He wants us to study His word every way.

God is watching as we instruct others,
He keeps an eye on how we care for our brother.

God is watching as we handle our life,
 He is there with us when we have undue strife.

God is watching as we learn mature love,
He wants this to be as pure as His dove.

God is watching when we play and have fun,
He wants us to learn how from Satan to run.

God is watching when we study His word,
He wants to know we study about the Lord.

God is watching when we visit our friends,
He wants us to encourage and help others mend.

God is watching when we are in sorrow,
He gives us the strength to look forward to tomorrow.

God is watching when we set an example,
He knows there are many religions which people “sample”.

God is watching when we are asleep,
He lets our bodies relax from head to the feet.

God is watching when we are in pain,
He knows about pain, as for us He was slain.

God is watching when you toil without hope,
He knows for the Word how hard you have groped.

God is watching when our young go to war,
He knows that with losses comes a heart that’s so sore.

God is watching when the babe in your arm dies,
And hopes you will know it’s with Him in the sky.

God is watching you in your winter of life,
He understands a hard life along with your strife.

God is watching when you pray your last prayer,
He’s right there with you because He so cares.

God is watching when your last breath is done,
Waiting to take you to live with Him and His son.

Written 8/27/07
Thoughts of the Mind

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