Thursday, April 28, 2011


Life is frail and it takes untoward twists,
     Sometimes it even seems to be “hit and miss”.
But everyone knows at some point in time,
     Life on this earth is no longer mine.

At a young age, we think not of death,
     But live life to the fullest . . . party without rest.
We are taught by our parents the rules of the road,
     They guide us in life so we can carry our load.

Parents are God’s gift to children and that is so true,
     Without them to guide us, we’d know not what to do.
They train us and teach us to do what is right,
     And always there for us during every dark night.

The love they provide, is unboundlessly given,
     Like God showering us, with his love from the heavens.
Mothers are special in their own certain way,
     And we knew to listen to all they would say.

I know your hearts are sore and sad,
     You’ve cried all the tears you thought you had.
Only tincture of time can mend your loss,
     But deep down, you’ll think she’s still “the boss”.

Mary Lee has lived a full-fledged life,
     And yes, she has been through some terrible strife.
However, her attitude, now one of despair,
     Although her good days of late, were more often rare.

She had a lot of courage to continue her ways,
     Having already endured many sorrowful days.
 The loss of her soul mate earlier in life
     Made worse the day's end, being alone at twilight.

Mary Lee was interested in many things,
     And with all she endeavored her best.
But it had to be right, without any “dings”,
     Things had to pass her personal test.

When it comes to the winter of a person’s life,
     After sharing so many years of close love.
Life seems to lend an unfair strife,
     When a soul starts their journey above.

It is at this time, you search your mind,
     To make sure you did all that you could.
To you, this is such a difficult time,
     To think  as clear as one should.

Although you cannot be with her anymore,
     Your hearts have a large corner inside,
For all of those memories which have so stored,
     From when life and you both did abide.

You have to remember, we each have our time,
     And only our God knows of it's end,
You just have to remember her memories in kind,
     And hold fast to those good times within.

She has not traveled that far away,
     She lives closely tucked in your heart,
So don’t fret my children, she’d tell you today,
     Please keep this in mind, as one of life’s marks.

In her loving way, she would tell you today,
     Your life must continue in no changing way.
Remember my love for you all of these years,
     And please my dear children, wipe away those sad tears.

Written to Helen and John
on the passing of their mother,
on June 24, 2009
© June, 2009

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