Thursday, April 21, 2011


Refresh me on my earthly path, keep me afar from Satan's task.
     (remind me of my special journey here on earth; don’t let me fall prey to his tactics to woo me)
Refresh me on my heavenly goal, remind me of my godly soul.
     (keep me focused on living with you Oh Lord; how does my soul appear in your eyes,)

Refresh my thoughts so they will be, just on Your word You left for me.
     (keep me thinking of You daily; let me be ever so thankful we have the written word)
Refresh my ears so they will hear, your word always, be it so dear.
     (let me better understand Your word as I listen; never let me forget the price paid for us to have Your word)

Refresh my sight, so I will see, the path You trod for even me.
     (let my eyes see the beauty and simplicity of You in all things; let me better understand your love for my soul)
Refresh my tongue to teach Your ways, to those who fall day after day.
     (guide me to never teach error or speak ill of others; help me to bring others to You)

Refresh my arms, though tired be, to love and hug humanity.
     (let me never be too tired to care; give me a compassionate heart for others)
Refresh my feet in every step, Help me to walk far from the left.     
     (keep me on the straight and narrow road of life; make me strong in Your word and in Your example)

Refresh my mind to think pure thoughts, no impure words in it be sought.    
     (let me focus on Your purity of life; keep my mind /heart free from worldly thoughts/expressions)
Refresh my heart to love and share, in others joys and sorrows care.  
     (help me to be more responsive/warmhearted to others; give me an abundance of love and feelings for others)

   And then, dear Lord, if I have excelled in those deeds set forth,

Refresh me on my path above, to live in Your unending love.
     (bear my soul gently on my way to heaven; surround my soul with You)\
Refresh me Lord at Heaven’s sight, and bathe me with Your perfect light.
     (let my eyes behold Your majesty and beauty; engulf my soul forever in You)

Written by Ruth Miller
©November, 2009

NOTE:  The  text in fine print is just what I was thinking at the time I wrote that particular thought.

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