Friday, April 22, 2011


[Matthew 7:13-14: Enter by the narrow gate (way); for wide is the gate and
broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who 
go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way
 which leads to life, and there are few who find it.]

There are two roads of life we trod,
Throughout our stream of time,
If we choose one, we’ll live with God,
But if another, we’ll hear Satan’s chimes.

One road is wide and laden with rocks,
Each rock to blacken your soul,
You walk over, on top, around them, or stop,
With rare thought to what’s really your goal.

The Wide Road
Should you continue your life as before,
One wild with lascivious sin,
Or should you take stock of where you have soared,
Your soul is dead and blackened within.

Are you so tainted with the glitter of sin,
That within, you don’t want to be free?
If so, Satan has been your closest friend,
And with him you’ll spend your eternity.

That’s not true if you can see your way clear,
To free up your lifetime of sin,
You feel Jesus is waiting . . . standing so near,
To take all of your burdens with Him.

This road, if continued, will cause you such pain,
When to the end of life’s pathway you’ve roamed,
For you will be judged with so much disdain,
Banished forever from God’s home.

Just how horrible will you feel then,
When the Almighty casts you aside,
Because you chose life, one full of sin,
And now with evil you’ll reside.

The darkness and fire will always be there,
Along with the filth of mankind,
You chose this way ‘cause you didn’t care,
And now you are paying the fine.

Your life will no longer be all fun and games,
Your home now forever a horror,
Satan dealt you a blow of his “fame”,
You’ll never see another tomorrow.

Satan cares not . . . he just enticed you to sin,
All he wanted was you to be his,
He laughs and sneers as your soul was his “win”,
As this was his utmost life’s “biz”.

The Narrow Road
But you could have chosen another way,
A road that was narrow indeed,
There are a few people this road still persuades
To follow . . . for they realize their need.

They knew the narrow road was the way to life,
This road was not riven with sin,
It too had stumbling blocks of all heights,
But they managed these differently . . . from within.

They took care to guide all of their thoughts,
And not let these blocks send them astray,
They studied the Word and their mind was not soft,
So in God’s graces they stayed.

They had their joys and days of fun,
But with this, sin did not abound,
They all still had their fun in the sun,
And their life did not run them aground.

Now as they approach the end of this road,
They have well stayed life’s treacherous path,
They remained true to God and stayed in His mode,
They won’t be privy to all of His wrath.

They have avoided a lifetime of sin,
That could have caused them to stray,
But they lived life . . . God always within,
And chose to follow His way.

They earned their beautiful crown of life,
But not through a lifetime of sin,
Was it worth it for them to do what was right?
It was . . . now they see their great win.

So as you can see, there are two roads of life,
The wide and the narrow are they,
Which one will you choose to walk ‘til you die,
On which road will you stand on that day.

The choice is all yours as you have a free will,
And no one can make you do wrong,
Which road will you walk, up and over life’s hills,
To spend life with God and His heavenly throng,
Or spend your eternity with all Satan’s ills!
Written by Ruth H. Miller
© January 5, 2009

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