Thursday, April 21, 2011


              Twin sisters Shelby and Rachel
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
They’ll always be there . . . just give them a shout.
They call, they email, they check in with you,
The close ones are special. . . a cherished few.
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       They want to know all your runnings about.   
They want you to know that they really care,
       They want in their life for you there to share.
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       They seriously care what your life is about.
       They want you to feel like you really belong,
       They‘ll do what’s right just so nothing goes wrong.
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       And life passes on . . . as a turnabout.
       Sadness and joy, such comes and goes,
       They are right there on their tippy toes!
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       And in their old age, they still get about,
       They soothe and they joke, what else can they do?
       They’re getting older just the same as are you!
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       And, especially when your time comes about.
They remember the days spent with you of old,
       And they tell your story as it should be told.
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       They cry o’er your passing, of that there‘s no doubt.
But they know to go on with life’s daily chores,
       They know in their heart, that there you are stored.
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       Life must go on in its own round about.
       Yet there’s a vacuum, a sad empty space,
       Filled with great memories admist our rat race.
Sisters are there, day in and day out,
       When my times comes and it will no doubt,
       Don’t you go fretting and don’t you dare pout!
‘tis just the way that my life has turned out.
Remember, I will be in a much better place,
       One where there‘ll be no bitter hate,
       One where there’ll be no distinction of class,
       One where all will be better at last,
       One where love and joy will abound,
       One where hate will never be found,
       One where tears will no longer be shed,       
One where pain and illness are dead,
One where such beauty abounds at a glance,
       One where all love is ever enhanced,
       One where sorrow is forever no more,
       One where my soul is no longer so sore,
       One where my Lord is in brilliant white,
       One where I live in His beautiful sight.

So you see, I will be free from the journey of life,
I no longer struggle through a lifetime of strife,
I would be the first one to tell you this very day,
Remember me, yes, but wipe tears away.
Rejoice that a soul has ascended above,
To reside with our Lord in His endless love.

Written at a whim
By Ruth H. Miller
© April 21, 2010

I would like to add a little comment on Sisters.  These twin sisters pictured above (10 mos) and below this poem (14 years) were born at 21 and 23 gestational weeks, weighed slightly over one pound, were about 12 inches long, born 200 miles apart and 12 days apart.  We did not think they would get to celebrate even a first birthday but God has blessed them with life, intelligence and good health.  They will turn 15 on September 8 and Septemember 20, 2011.  Their so very premature births were fraught with many surgeries and other health events.  At the time of their early births, we were seeing humanity at its earliest form and it was amazing how tiny but complete these little bodies were; but to look at them today, you would never imagine the rough beginning they had when they made their initial debut. Yes, their Creator has blessed them so abundantly for their being allowed a normal life considering their prematurity.  God blessed the nurses and doctors who were administering to all of their critical needs at All Children's Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas,and for that, we are so thankful.

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