Thursday, September 13, 2012

UPDATE [9/14/12]

As for my upcoming book . . . I have received the galley proofs but it has taken me much longer than I ever imagined to get these completed and returned to the publisher in view of the current situation which we have been  involved with my mother-in-law recently (see previous post).

I am hoping to get these proofs completed and submitted within the next week so at least my book could reach the market by the middle or end of November.  With spending so much time involving family, it has eliminated any extended blocks of quiet time I so desparately need to proof these galley proofs.

Also, I have a new business to market my books for now and in the future . . . it is PWW (Paint the World with Words).  This is a phrase I have used since my senior's English class in high school when I realized I wanted to write, so I figured it was definitely time to make good use of it now that some 50 years has elapsed.

My website is also operational as well and you can access this as follows:   ...   check it out and I hope you will enjoy this.  If you don't, let me know as I am always open to suggestions from others!  This will also give you a little more insight into my upcoming book as well as me, the author!

Again, I want to thank everyone, and especially those who keep coming back to check on the newer items . . . writing is just something I love to do, but even this has been put on the back burtner lately until I can  get things to settle down to normal . . . whatever "normal" is around our house!  If you ever care to leave a comment, please feel free to do so.  Enjoy your life to the fullest . . . it only comes around once!

Ruth Miller

1 comment:

  1. G'day Ruth. Sincere congratulations on the effort you have put into your upcoming book, given your restrictive home situation. Trust all turns out extra well for you by 2013. Best wishes from your Aussie friends, Shirley and Trevor McIvor of Toowoomba, Queensland.
