Wednesday, September 26, 2012

WHOOPEE AND DOUBLE WHOOPEE!!  I finally finished my galley proofs on my upcoming book and submitted them to my publisher.  What a load off my mind!  Relief can come in so many forms at any given time . . .  I think when I finished I was in a euphoric state at 4 a.m. but I was also very pleasantly tired.  I am surprised I did not wake up the world with my loudly spoken YEAH!!!  Now I can start this cycle all over again with my other three books which I hope to get published within the next two years . . .  and yes, I know that is a tremendous goal to set for me but I definitely feel up to the challenge, even at my age.  Ha! Ha!

This is the first week of virtually no care giving responsibility since we placed my mother-in-law in a home late last week, closing a chapter in our life after 27 years of total care giving first to my Aunt June and then eight years with my mother-in-law.  I look back and wonder during the 4-5 years I had both of them how I actually managed to do all I did!  It has been a challenge but it also has been a very rewarding learning experience (view my "Tribute to Aunt June" and "The Ravaged Mind" here on my blog if you want to see what I am referring to).  We got the last thing needed for my mother-in-law today (bed rails) and took them over and visited for a while.  She was actually sitting in her new rocker for the first time since we delivered it nearly a week ago!  I think she finally realized it was hers so she tried it out and liked it!!  Then she said to me, "well I must gonna be here for a while with a new rocking chair!" I didn't say anything and we went on to something else.

My website is up and running so feel free to check it out and become a follower if you want.  If you have any comments pro or con, go to the  "contact me" page and send me an email!  I am open to any and all suggestions.  This can be accessed at so check it out!

I think now I will begin to see retirement in a different light . . . first because  I can help Leon out in the yard with our yard projects, whereas before I had to come in and check on my mother-in-law every five minutes and you just can't get anything done under those circumstances.  Also, we will be free to go out now and then and perhaps enjoy dinner with friends.  We might even get away for a weekend or two.  Fancy that!! We might even take in a movie or two which we have not done in ages!  We can go shopping together, go to church together and just be together for no reason at all.  Now that sounds soooooooooooooooo great!  Yes, life has given us some wild curves here and there but this is the best one . . . sharing just with each other.  Wow!  Will I really know how to handle this?  I supposed I will get used to it.  

Have a great rest of the week everyone . . . enjoy every day one day at a time, and to the fullest.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow.  Love to all of you!!!!

Ruth Miller

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