Thursday, April 21, 2011

Introduction: N-O-V-I-C-E On Board

April 20, 2011
This blog will present my writings over the years which I want to share with others.  I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.  I will initially plan to start with posting my poems on various topics which I have written for the past several years or so, and then I plan to post other writings (poems of a personal nature, articles and a short series on caregiving, etc).  You would be my friend if you would make any comments you feel appropriate, as I am always open to suggestions from my viewers; I would also be very curious to know how you feel when you read these poems as I try to put you right there in the middle of the text, although I do not always manage to accomplish this.  I am a novice writer, although I do have three books I am currently working on and hope to get completed upon my upcoming retirement.

As for this blog, I have absolutely no idea of what I am doing at this time and am literally "flying by the seat of my pants" as the saying goes.  I hope to get this blog  "up and running" in the very near future so I can share my "contemplations of the mind" with you, so please bear with me.  It is amazing how fast you can learn how to navigate around new technologies sometimes now isn't it!

As for a little history lesson on how I got started writing poetry, my husband asked me one time for a friend's funeral, "Why don't you write the family one of your poems?"  He said "poems last forever but flowers last a week at most." I realized there was some logic to his thinking and I took this under consideration and started writing personal poems for "those left behind" as an encouragement to them.  I was very surprised at the outcome and the uniqueness of this idea;  in fact, I have been requested to read these poems by many of the families as part of the funeral service (although I am definitely not a public speaker), and while I felt honored at being asked to do this, reading a poem at a friend's funeral was sometimes a very difficult accomplishment.  However, this task always went well and the families were very appreciative.  These type poems are what I call my personal poems, and at some point in the future, I will post these as well.  So, for the past ten years or so, I have been writing poems instead of sending flowers, although sometimes I do both, and it gives not only those left behind encouragement, but it gives me a tremendous feeling of  inward satisfaction to be able to help them get through their tragedy in this small manner.

May 3, 2011
Well, now I know at least what a blog is!  And I am having fun getting this all together but it does take a lot of time and while I haven't gotten it exactly the way I want it, I am getting there.  Just keep checking back to see new posts.  And to the world out there, YOU are my critic so please feel free to make any comment you feel appropriate.  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so happy to have all your writings in one place to take my time and peruse them.
