Friday, April 22, 2011


The wind is blowing, the sky is gray,
Today is certainly a yucky day.
The breeze is quickly moving the branches,
While leaves appear to be doing their dances.

I’m glad I’m not outside today,
As you can barely see the sunshine’s rays.
The ominous clouds loom high up above,
He’s sending His rain with all of His love.

Forest fires have destroyed the beautiful lush green,
And all we have left is what’s there to be seen.
We've needed this rain so bad for so long,
It sounds on the roof like a pitter-patter song.

It stops and it starts, and it drizzles with time,
But we’ll take this rain, in any amount we find.
We could use a slow drizzle for four days at least,
But when in Florida, it's just the nature of the beast.

We are so thankful for this thirsty, slow drink,
But the ground is so parched, the water won’t sink.
We’ll let the rain come, day in and day out,
For we'll take what we get, God’s will we won’t tout.

We thank you dear Lord, for all of Your blessings,
And we need to review again history’s lessons.
We need to rethink thoroughly our wasteful ways,
To eliminate constant worries of water today.

We need to remember You will give to us all,
If we simply heed  Your word and Your call.

Written on a rainy day . . .
June 2, 2007
© 2007

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Pictures! And what a great illustration for your poem!
