Thursday, April 21, 2011

 (The Beauties of Nature)

God gave us a world of beauty to view,
He provided us colors of all shades and hue.
The hot ones, the cold ones and sweet pretty pink,
They all swirl together while all still in sync.

Green is a cool one, it covers the earth,
It helps to hide all that dark, dark black dirt.
But black dirt while ugly, to us it may seem,
Provides certain nutrients for flowers to preen.

When flowers are healthy, their colors are stark,
You view them so pretty . . . they’ve made their mark.
They give off a brightness to thoughts along the way,
They soften the blow of an upcoming work day.

The sky in its wonder, not always bright blue,
But a peaceful effect when upon it you view.
White puffy clouds are seen floating everywhere,
Changing their shape with the atmosphere’s air.

The sun in its radiance shines ever so bright,
You welcome the darkness when it appears every night.
These yellow rays give warmth on a cold wintery day,
 While ice is accumulating thick on the lake.

The rain tumbles earthward, watering all in sight,
You hurry inside getting drenched in your flight.
Water is a lifeline to everything on earth,
Without all the rain, earth would be dearth.

Rain can be pesky if you are out and about,
You don’t like getting soaked, of that there’s no doubt.
But you welcome the showers when they spill from above,
Just another way of God showing His love.

Sometimes weather seems to be all askew,
With hurricanes dumping and tornadoes anew.
Granted all things are not perfect we say.
It’s time like this we get out of the way.

Fire is something else, in its bright, hot red flames,
We fear it for sure, you don’t play this game.
The dangers are so great, if caught in its grasp,
It can totally consume you . . .your life will not last.

Fire is good though, as with all God provides,
Even fire has to it a very nice side.
When winter is so harsh and your body is cold,
You are nicely warmed from the flames oh so bold.

Fire is pretty when flaring up high,
It shoots tiny sparks so high in the sky.
It stills the shivers in your body when cold,
Warming you solidly with colors so bold.

Wind is an element we can’t really see,
We know it’s there as limbs move in the trees.
Sometimes it is gentle and sometimes it’s not,
It’s appreciated most when it’s ever so hot.

Wind has it chores just as we do each day,
Sometimes it’s hard though to see it that way.
It shakes the dead leaves from all of the trees,
Giving room for new growth and new greenery.

It helps spread pollen from hither and yon,
It also tosses yard debris all over your lawn.
Gentle breezes seen to caress the soul,
They cool the body when heat takes its toll.

So here we have it, the elements four,
We have to have them, to even the score.
Enjoy them and use them to better your life,
They’re here to help us and not to cause strife.

God in his wisdom saw to this need,
He gave us knowledge for the bad things to heed.
He doled out wisdom to use all of these well,
So now let’s see what time will us tell.

Written by Ruth Miller
© April 14, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful imagery. I can vividly see the scenes you paint with your words.
