Friday, December 14, 2012


Oh yes, I was so excited about our 50th anniversary party and my book that I failed to say my book is titled "Compassionately Spoken" and can be obtained by ordering from my website which can be accessed by going to:  You can click on the link on the home page and order it direct.  Check it out.  I think you will like it.

I have been so busy with getting my mother-in-law finally settled into a home, getting my book released and now the surprise anniversary party that I had forgotten to order my usual Christmas cards to send to everyone.  So.... we both wish all my followers and vieewers, wherever you are, whether you celebrate Christmas or not . . . we wish you a great holiday season and wish for you that the New Year of 2013 be prosperous for all of us. 

Ruth and Leon Miller


I am so blessed as my book was published on December 1 as well as our 50th wedding anniversary!  What an accomplishment!. Our two children gave us a surprise luncheon at one of the local country clubs with about 70 people present for our golden anniversary.  How this was kept a secret for so long I will never know . . . and how it was kept a secret from me was another unbelievaable thing as I always find out, but not this time. We also renewed our vows and it was awesome!  I will be looking back on these wonderful memories for many years to come!  Below is a picture of Leon and me as well as our minister who "re-married" us!  We exchanged new rings as well.  I an so blessed to have the husband I do and the son and daughter we do!

The picture below is us at the country club after the guys (Leon and Mark) had secretely changed into tuxedos . . .

This is Leon, me and our minister who "re-married" us for another 50 years . . .

My son, Mark, escorting me "down the aisle" . . .
Exchanging our vows for another 50 years . . .

Mark, Leon, me and DeeAnn at the "honoree's" table . . .

I jsut want to share with all of you who read my blog this wonderful event . . . oh yes, my husband knew this was being planned since March but it was his job to see that I didn't find out.  This is probably the first time I have seen the markers but just did not have all the information to "connect the dots", so it was probably the most wonderful surprise of my life and after I got my wits about myself, I loved every minute of it.

Enjoy life to the fullest as it only comes around once!