Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Little Chat With God #7
(on the word "bridge")

Good Morning God:

Today I want to explore a word in our English language with You.  For the past week my head has been intermittently tossing about this simple, six-letter word , and since it was apparently running amuck in my mind anyway, I thought I would share my thoughts with You as I see how this word might also be applied to us as human beings.  The word is BRIDGE; it is most commonly used as a noun in our English language but it can also be used as a verb and is also known as a game.

However, the most common definition of the word bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle [according to Wikipedia].  When we hear this word spoken, this is what visually appears in our mind.  It may be an old bridge in our past that has long since been demolished for a more modern one, or it may be one of the newer and fancier bridges that would boggle the mind of the greatest structural engineer.  But the word “bridge” immediately portrays this idea in our minds . . . a way to get from one place to another.

I suppose I want to kind of give myself a little food for thought on this word bridge.  It is more than just a way to get from one place to another.  It can also be a way to get from one person to another mentally and spiritually.  We, ourselves, can in fact be a bridge.  One might say, “Why do you say that?”  Well, let’s think about this further.

When family members get distraught with one another to the point of no communication, and each going their separate way, do we not act as a “bridge” to get them back together? 

Or, for instance,  when a married couple gets so distressed with each other that they have to be apart (for whatever reason) . . . if we talk to each one separately and try to help them see both sides to the situation to try to resolve this “split”, are we not acting as a “bridge” between the two individuals?

Where two separate individuals categorized as “friends” have a horrible dispute, our natural instinct is to “come between them” and try to help them solve the dispute before it gets totally out of hand and ruins a good friendship isn’t it?  Are we not a “span” between these two individuals trying to “bridge” the gap that has come between them?

When there are elderly people who are very ill and have no one to visit them, or maybe their children live too far away to come often . . . when we visit them, do we not act as a “span or bridge” between them and loneliness?

Similarly, where there has been a tragedy in a family, whether it be a death  or a sudden deadly accident of a loved one, and we are supportive of those involved, are we not being a “bridge” from a heart that is wracked with grief to bringing a little brightness in their life at this time?

When someone is lost to sin in this world and we bring them in and teach them your way, are we not being a “bridge” between their depravity and their salvation?

And, with comparison in mind, did You not give Your son Jesus as a “bridge” between God and man so we would have a way to get to heaven? 

I suspect that all of us as human beings, can be bridges in so many ways and we need to be bridges.  We need to step in and be supportive at times where others might not.  And if we care about our fellow humans as we should, we will do this when we see the need.  However, I know there is a fine line between being a help and a nuisance or a hindrance in a lot of cases, but one with the right intent, attitude and love towards each other can be a “bridge” is so many ways.  Sometimes it just takes one person to be the “span” that solidifies relationships again.

I think I like being a bridge . . . and even though I am not degreed in structural engineering, I can be a bridge builder and can help build relationships when they need mending and as a result, I too become a better person.  And the more I write about this, the more I am sure this is something You expect of all of us as well regarding relationships with one another while we are here on earth. . . .  but I just had not thought of myself as a “bridge” until I got to thinking about this word as it was bouncing back and forth in my head.

Thank you God for giving me the mind to think about this word “bridge” in a very different aspect, a very good one, and let me apply what I have learned to my life.  Until the next time . . .

Written by Ruth Miller
© July, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Little Chat With God #3
(on American society)

Good Morning God:
     I have had something on my mind for quite a while now, and I would like to cover this with you if I could.  I realize I have been chatting with you a lot lately, but there is no one else to turn to and you want and like to hear from your children.  I feel you are getting a lot of serious concerns from the many who turn to you on a daily basis with concerns of the world getting to be so“muckity muck “of late, and our society appearing to be centered on what is “convenient” or what is “politically correct” or “what is good for me”, or all of the above and others, but I still want to talk to you about this.

     Our great country was founded on religious principles and was guided by these for years; but now our current society is so intent in removing Your name from so many areas where it was once prominently and proudly posted.  Additionally, as if removing your name from public is not enough, we are rarely allowed to pray in any public place before events or in schools or other gatherings that are public in nature because it is “offensive”!  We are most definitely in for some sad times ahead without You.   And . . . to make matters worse, the world is going along with this . . . it reminds me of a horse with blinders on . . . full gallop ahead, neither looking to the left or the right.   Everything now also seems to have to be “politically correct” and in that line of thinking, politically correct is not always the correct way and generally causes more turmoil.  We lived for years without being “politically correct” and there was not a problem with talking in plain talk; things should be named for what they are and not to “get around “the truth.

     America was once a great free country, but I fear we are headed in the wrong direction and are going the way of the Roman Empire before it fell.  America has opened her arms for so many cultures that we have been referred to as the “melting pot” . . . and it has been good that we can do this.  But there needs to be a slowdown with this; America cannot continue to keep allowing people onto our shores.  Our resources will become stretched to the limit if they are not already to that point.  It seems as though our government is “giving” to these people benefits we had to work for all of our life.  How can that be?   There has to be a better way to handle this situation.  We have men in office that no longer are “for the people” and they certainly do not go to You for help either, and instead, lean on human wisdom, and that is so sad.  America needs to pray and pray earnestly, but I am so afraid the pendulum has swung so far to the left that it will continue in that direction and never swing back to the right.

     We have so many people in this country of different religions and from different cultures and again, it is good if we can continue to all live together.  But when groups of people start to demand that they be able to do such and such because it is their religious right, but yet their “right” interferes with the standard laws of cities, municipalities, etc., where they have moved to, they are wrong in the stand they are taking.  It is not their “right” to change the way American’s live, or interfere with the way we work and live.  If they don’t like America, they should return to their homeland where they can practice their culture without causing problems and without disrupting the normal way of life here.  As you well know, this IS happening in cities all over the USA; it is creeping into our life in a very subtle manner and before long, it will be too late to rectify this situation. 

     When will America wake up and see what is happening to this once great country?  When it is too late?  I suspect so.  I feel our government is so afraid of stepping on someone’s toes and that we are being compromised where we should not.  And because of this, I wonder how long we will actually be the “land of the free” as we were once called.

     I know You are in control of the universe and that You can see the future whereas, we cannot. I know that in the past you have let the enemy get to such an intolerable state before taking them down.  I know that in all things, and in your infinite wisdom, You will do what is best for all of us.  And . . . I know you have a plan and there is a reason for all things to occur in the manner they do. 

     But in my short time here on earth, I am deeply concerned as to just what it is going to take to get America back in step and how much worse will life get before a realization of the real road we are on can take place.  I am certain that if our government would really take stock of themselves and what they are doing to our great country, time would be on our side and America could be the wealthy and sturdy America it once was.  Unfortunately, I think that sometimes man’s finest hour is when we have reached “rock bottom”, and right now, we are very close.

     However, I do not believe this can happen without Your help.  I plead with you to open the eyes of the leaders so they can really see;  tickle their ears so they can really hear and give them the strength and fortitude it will take to get back on the right path.   Give us strength and guide us all dear God, let our minds give consideration to your thoughts and your ways; help us to always remember that “. . . the ways of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jer. 10:23).  Lord, let us learn to live in simplicity and truth as you did; let us abide with compassion and regard for one another and always have love for one another as in the examples You set for us. 

     I know I have rambled a lot this time God, but we are at a point where we need some divine intervention and you are the only one to whom we can come and beg for your mercy and grace.  Thanks again for being so patient with me.  Until next time . . .

Written by Ruth Miller
© March, 2011