Monday, January 23, 2012

My Thoughts to the
Family of  Walter David "Butch" James

This day brings forth my darkest night
and I feel I’ve lost my way,
Because I’ve lost my guiding light,
 my lifetime companion today.

Today will close this chapter of my life
as now I’m a widow . . . no longer a wife.
Life here on earth comes without guarantee,
 this life now has ended, no longer are “we”.

God is so merciful and loving to all,
 providing us life . . . until his call.
We know not when our timeline will cease,
or journey to heaven to live there in peace.

Death brings such grief to those left behind,
 we’ll have days we feel out of our mind.
Sadness abounds and our hearts scream with pain,
 but we know deep down, we will see him again.

In God’s wisdom and mercy, for He’s in control,
and knew the exact time he’d call for this soul,
He feels our pain . . . broken spirit . . . crushed heart,
 as this soul, from this earthly world departs.

This is the circle of life we often times say,
 and we barely manage to get through this day.
Our pillows are stained with sad tears that flow,
we feel there is nothing left in our life now to show.

God knew well all the sorrow and heartache
 that would occur when this soul he would take,
He provided us with a special ability,
and this he called “personal memory”.

Throughout our lives there are those special times
 when we take pictures, storing them in our minds.
They are still there . . . of laughter and leisure,
 to be relived again and this at your pleasure.

We can look back on the good times in life,
 when we were together as husband and wife,
It is not quite the same as it was back then,
but it gives some relief to live over again.

We remember the good times; it helps us move on,
striving so  hard to meet each new dawn.
But life must go on as we struggle each day,
we know this is life and we must make our way.

If he could speak, he would tell you today:
Don’t let my parting darken your way.
I say to you further your life must go on,
And soon you’ll be able to greet each new day.
I know I am not with you while you continue your life,
But I know God will help you  to get through this strife.
Place our memories in a special corner of your heart,
And if need be, review them on each new day’s start.
To all my children/grandchildren whom I love very much,
Review all of your memories . .  they’ll keep us “in touch”.
Memories are there for a reason you know,
They help you through life when a loved one must go.
I’ll miss many milestones yet to come in your life,
But just keep me in mind  on those special nights.
Life sets no guarantee  when a soul shall depart,
But know you’ll always be there,  so close in my heart.
Now as I leave you on earth to continue your time,
Please understand that I will be fine.
The future is yours now . . . please live it right,
And we’ll see each other  in His beautiful light.
Though it seems my death  came without reason or rhyme,
Please understand fully  . . . this is my time.
Don’t let this world sway you away,
‘Cause I look forward to seeing  you in heaven some day.
And now in parting, I speak to you all,
Be strong in the faith and wait for your call.
Let your tears flow but just for today,
For this is my time and this is His way.”

 For the Butch James Family
on his departure from this world
By: Ruth Miller - © January 15, 2012

This was written to a very close friend and a fine Christian gentleman who recently passed from this world to the next.  It is so sad to lose a friend, but we all know and understand that this is going to happen to all of us at some point in our life.  I wrote this for the family to help to encourage them  as they are now in the group known as  "those left behind" and hope life will get a little easier as time marches on.  This has left all of those who knew him with a void in our lives, but as noted in the writing, he would be the first one to say we must continue on with our lives and follow God's word so we can see him again some day when our life has reached the end of our earthly timeline.  Yes, Butch, we will all miss you!

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