Thursday, March 29, 2012

To all of my viewers . . . I am still slowly recuperating from my "accident" and am now in a "designer orthopedic boot contraption" as I call it.  It has been a very frustrating and exasperating past two months, and that is putting it mildly, with this broken leg but I keep telling myself this too shall pass . . . and it has given me a small insight into the meaning "forever".  Ha! Ha! I still have another week or so to go before my next appointment and although I hope to get out of this boot at that time, I have a feeling I will find myself in it for several more weeks at least.  I will be posting some new items in the very near future so keep checking back!  Here's hoping all of you are enjoying life, family and friends and that you are in good health!  Take care, all of you.

Ruth Miller

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 2012
To all of my followers:

My apologies for not getting new information posted for the past month or so. I took a fall on February 6 and chipped the bone in my big left toe, severely sprained my left ankle, broke the smaller bone in my left leg (the fibula), bruised my knee and bruised the upper left arm . . . as they say, when you do something do it big . . . and I did just that.  I was going into our bathroom for something and my flip flops I was wearing flopped and I flipped, rolling up the small throw rug under my feet as well.  I missed our bathtub by an inch so I am very, very thankful I only had the injuries I did . . . and I am extra thankful (if you can be thankful about a broken leg) that I did not injure or break my hip.  There is always so much to be thankful for in this life!

Needless to say, my recliner and my wheelchair have been my closest friends for the past month as I had to keep my foot elevated during that time frame.  However, all was not lost as I read 16+ books during that timeframe!  It was rather frustrating though and that is putting it mildly! 

My daughter from Arkansas flew in the day after my fall and has been here, returning home on March 14.  She has been a tremendous help but her twin girls, Shelby and Rachel (age 15) are missing their mother, and Jeff, her husband is definitely ready for her to return home.  Although DeeAnn said it was a good experience for the girls . . . they know how to cook and do laundry, but this time they had to keep the house in some semblance of order as well.  And, Jeff was indoctrinated in the art of collecting and delivering Girl Scout cookies!  I bet that was a fun experience for him.  But now they all have a better understanding of what "mama" does during the day too so it was good.  I do not know how we would have managed without DeeAnn all this past month, especially since we are caregivers to my husband's mother, Edith (age 91), who has Alzheimers and who has lived with us going into the eighth year soon.

So you can see, with me being in a wheelchair or recliner, I could not even get to my office computer even if I wanted to.  Besides that, my computer decided to crash the same day I did and my husband had to replace the hard drive.  He just now got it up and running!  So life goes on, tossing us those little curved balls all along the way . . . just makes us stronger and more determined I suspect.

We are now both retired which is good . . . although we have been both so busy we really don't realize that we are supposed to be "retired".  We just keep on keeping on as the saying goes.  I now wonder how we managed to work.  I suspect all the things we were putting off until we retired have now faced us squarely!

I am now in a walking cast and am starting out slowly, but by next week when DeeAnn returns home, I should be able to handle things.  Thanks for being patient and I hope to get some new posts on here soon.  I appreciate all of you out there who check in and view my work.  I love to write and again hope to have something added very soon.

Ruth Miller