Thursday, March 29, 2012

To all of my viewers . . . I am still slowly recuperating from my "accident" and am now in a "designer orthopedic boot contraption" as I call it.  It has been a very frustrating and exasperating past two months, and that is putting it mildly, with this broken leg but I keep telling myself this too shall pass . . . and it has given me a small insight into the meaning "forever".  Ha! Ha! I still have another week or so to go before my next appointment and although I hope to get out of this boot at that time, I have a feeling I will find myself in it for several more weeks at least.  I will be posting some new items in the very near future so keep checking back!  Here's hoping all of you are enjoying life, family and friends and that you are in good health!  Take care, all of you.

Ruth Miller

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