Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20, 2011

Hello to all my readers . . .I am now in my small velocity brace only . . . and I found a pair of shoes that I could wear this brace with, so now I am walking level with both legs for a change . . . no  more  waddling now.  Yay!  I have to go for a checkup and x-rays on May 2 and hope they will discharge me, although that might be a stretch.  But I am beginning to feel like I am really close to the end of this broken leg situation.  Have a good weekend to all of you here and beyond the pond!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Ruth! I know you are eager to gain back your mobility. You can't keep a good girl down. By the way I've been meaning to thank you for the books you sent. The kids LOVE them. Thomas has looked through the volcano book everyday since it came. Thank you so much and the inscriptions from you make it even more special. Love you.
