Friday, December 14, 2012


Oh yes, I was so excited about our 50th anniversary party and my book that I failed to say my book is titled "Compassionately Spoken" and can be obtained by ordering from my website which can be accessed by going to:  You can click on the link on the home page and order it direct.  Check it out.  I think you will like it.

I have been so busy with getting my mother-in-law finally settled into a home, getting my book released and now the surprise anniversary party that I had forgotten to order my usual Christmas cards to send to everyone.  So.... we both wish all my followers and vieewers, wherever you are, whether you celebrate Christmas or not . . . we wish you a great holiday season and wish for you that the New Year of 2013 be prosperous for all of us. 

Ruth and Leon Miller


I am so blessed as my book was published on December 1 as well as our 50th wedding anniversary!  What an accomplishment!. Our two children gave us a surprise luncheon at one of the local country clubs with about 70 people present for our golden anniversary.  How this was kept a secret for so long I will never know . . . and how it was kept a secret from me was another unbelievaable thing as I always find out, but not this time. We also renewed our vows and it was awesome!  I will be looking back on these wonderful memories for many years to come!  Below is a picture of Leon and me as well as our minister who "re-married" us!  We exchanged new rings as well.  I an so blessed to have the husband I do and the son and daughter we do!

The picture below is us at the country club after the guys (Leon and Mark) had secretely changed into tuxedos . . .

This is Leon, me and our minister who "re-married" us for another 50 years . . .

My son, Mark, escorting me "down the aisle" . . .
Exchanging our vows for another 50 years . . .

Mark, Leon, me and DeeAnn at the "honoree's" table . . .

I jsut want to share with all of you who read my blog this wonderful event . . . oh yes, my husband knew this was being planned since March but it was his job to see that I didn't find out.  This is probably the first time I have seen the markers but just did not have all the information to "connect the dots", so it was probably the most wonderful surprise of my life and after I got my wits about myself, I loved every minute of it.

Enjoy life to the fullest as it only comes around once!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

WHOOPEE AND DOUBLE WHOOPEE!!  I finally finished my galley proofs on my upcoming book and submitted them to my publisher.  What a load off my mind!  Relief can come in so many forms at any given time . . .  I think when I finished I was in a euphoric state at 4 a.m. but I was also very pleasantly tired.  I am surprised I did not wake up the world with my loudly spoken YEAH!!!  Now I can start this cycle all over again with my other three books which I hope to get published within the next two years . . .  and yes, I know that is a tremendous goal to set for me but I definitely feel up to the challenge, even at my age.  Ha! Ha!

This is the first week of virtually no care giving responsibility since we placed my mother-in-law in a home late last week, closing a chapter in our life after 27 years of total care giving first to my Aunt June and then eight years with my mother-in-law.  I look back and wonder during the 4-5 years I had both of them how I actually managed to do all I did!  It has been a challenge but it also has been a very rewarding learning experience (view my "Tribute to Aunt June" and "The Ravaged Mind" here on my blog if you want to see what I am referring to).  We got the last thing needed for my mother-in-law today (bed rails) and took them over and visited for a while.  She was actually sitting in her new rocker for the first time since we delivered it nearly a week ago!  I think she finally realized it was hers so she tried it out and liked it!!  Then she said to me, "well I must gonna be here for a while with a new rocking chair!" I didn't say anything and we went on to something else.

My website is up and running so feel free to check it out and become a follower if you want.  If you have any comments pro or con, go to the  "contact me" page and send me an email!  I am open to any and all suggestions.  This can be accessed at so check it out!

I think now I will begin to see retirement in a different light . . . first because  I can help Leon out in the yard with our yard projects, whereas before I had to come in and check on my mother-in-law every five minutes and you just can't get anything done under those circumstances.  Also, we will be free to go out now and then and perhaps enjoy dinner with friends.  We might even get away for a weekend or two.  Fancy that!! We might even take in a movie or two which we have not done in ages!  We can go shopping together, go to church together and just be together for no reason at all.  Now that sounds soooooooooooooooo great!  Yes, life has given us some wild curves here and there but this is the best one . . . sharing just with each other.  Wow!  Will I really know how to handle this?  I supposed I will get used to it.  

Have a great rest of the week everyone . . . enjoy every day one day at a time, and to the fullest.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow.  Love to all of you!!!!

Ruth Miller

Thursday, September 13, 2012

UPDATE [9/14/12]

As for my upcoming book . . . I have received the galley proofs but it has taken me much longer than I ever imagined to get these completed and returned to the publisher in view of the current situation which we have been  involved with my mother-in-law recently (see previous post).

I am hoping to get these proofs completed and submitted within the next week so at least my book could reach the market by the middle or end of November.  With spending so much time involving family, it has eliminated any extended blocks of quiet time I so desparately need to proof these galley proofs.

Also, I have a new business to market my books for now and in the future . . . it is PWW (Paint the World with Words).  This is a phrase I have used since my senior's English class in high school when I realized I wanted to write, so I figured it was definitely time to make good use of it now that some 50 years has elapsed.

My website is also operational as well and you can access this as follows:   ...   check it out and I hope you will enjoy this.  If you don't, let me know as I am always open to suggestions from others!  This will also give you a little more insight into my upcoming book as well as me, the author!

Again, I want to thank everyone, and especially those who keep coming back to check on the newer items . . . writing is just something I love to do, but even this has been put on the back burtner lately until I can  get things to settle down to normal . . . whatever "normal" is around our house!  If you ever care to leave a comment, please feel free to do so.  Enjoy your life to the fullest . . . it only comes around once!

Ruth Miller

HELLO to everyone!
     I may have retired six or so months ago, but my life has been so busy since then, it is all I can do to keep up.  My 91-1/2 year old mother-in-law (Edith) took another fall in July and has been in the hospital for several weeks only to be discharged to an in-patient rehabilitation center for intensive physical therapy.
     Of course, she fell at a time my husband was out of the state for several days and I had to call the local Fire Department to help, me as I cannot get her up by myself.  It took three strapping fireman about 15 minutes to get her up and when they did, they asked her if she could stand up and she could not, so they carried her to her bedroom and placed her in her chair.
     She is having a lot of difficulty walking and has been told that if she cannot walk, she cannot come home because there is no way either one of us could carry her around our home.  Her arms cannot support pushing herself in a wheelchair and her mentality (she has had Alzheimer's Disease now for about eight years) has deteriorated to the point she cannot understand how to use one of the electric scooters either; she would be running into everything including us!
     It is so sad to see something like this happening to a family member, but we have tried to get her the best possible help for her situation.  She does, however, realize that she cannot come home if she cannot get her strength back in her legs so that she can support herself and and walk unaided with her walker.  And, in fact, she told me several days ago she knew she was not strong enough to walk.
     She does not like the rehabilitation center and wants to get out of there, but we keep telling her that we just can't take her home with us because we have to wait for her doctor to discharge her.  She keeps asking when she can go home and we just tell her that her PT should be completed by September 18 and after that, it is up to her doctors to make a decision as to what will be the best for her.
     She has fallen probably 12 times in the past several years and each time she falls, she is left a little weaker.  And every time, this involves going to the hospital for a checkup, several days or weeks in the hospital and then rehabilitation, either in a center or home health care at home for several months.  I think she has fallen more due to her memory being so bad that she forgets she has to use her walker.
     We are about at the point that our level of care for her is not enough to provide a safe environment; her safety and well-being is now becoming the top issue and we are beginning to feel the prudent decision for her would be to place her in a nice home.  Her memory is about a nanosecond long and she fails to realize just how badly she needs to use her walker, so she just walks without it and a fall ensues.
     We have searched out the homes in the area and do have a nice place holding a room for her in their Alzheimer's Unit just in case she can't walk well enough by the time of her discharge date, which has already been extended once, but we have not said anything about this at this time, hoping she will be able to walk.  This ALF (assisted living facility) is closer to our home and is fairly new ... it is really beautiful and reminds me of an old Southern Plantation ... I do not see any reason for her not to like this ALF.  But ... she definitely is NOT fond of anything with the word "home" attached to it and even if we placed her in the Taj Mahal, she would still complain.  My husband and I said to each other after a full tour of this facility that we would be happy to stay here if the need arose; it is really a beautiful, well-kept place and the personnel there are very well informed in their responsibilities and have a great attitude.
     We just hope that somewhere in Edith's distraught brain which has been plucked probably full of holes by now from her AD, that somewhere in there is a little portion of normal brain that will allow her to understand that we have given her the best years of our lives to see that she is taken care of, and that this is the best solution to keep her safe.
     We are definitely at the crossroads with her care but will continue to see that she is taken care of, even if in an ALF.  It is a very difficult decision to make but we know in our hearts that this is the best for her right now, and this decision is made with a total concern, care and love for her well-being.

Ruth and Leon Miller

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Update - -

I am finally discharged from my broken leg incident from back in early February and it is SO GOOD to be able to drive again and walk normal again.  And I definitely will not miss waddling like a "pregnant penguin" when I walk.  Life is good!

Also, I signed an agreement with a publisher on May 2 to publish my first volume of personal writings.  This will be a three-part book with poems, articles and a short story.  So you guessed it!  I am most assuredly in the throes of getting everything formatted to their specifications, doing my cover design, my arthur blurb and a short synopsis of the book itself.  I had a "photo shoot" (LOL) yesterday to have a current author picture for the cover . . . I did not think this was necessary but the publisher did, so I complied.  If you just knew how badly I hate to be in front of a camera . . .! 

If all goes well I plan to submit everything as completed by this coming Saturday, May 19!  Then the bulk of my work will be done and the ball will be in the publisher's court.  Yeah!  I will put a link on my blog page when it is put on the market in case any of you want to get a copy.  This will lead to a webpage where you can direct order your own personal copy.  This is a real adventure for me . . . I have never delved into the realm of publishing before so I am literally flying by the seat of my pants here . . . but so far it has been kind of a game for me to be able to keep within my own set time parameters and so far, I am ahead of the game!

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20, 2011

Hello to all my readers . . .I am now in my small velocity brace only . . . and I found a pair of shoes that I could wear this brace with, so now I am walking level with both legs for a change . . . no  more  waddling now.  Yay!  I have to go for a checkup and x-rays on May 2 and hope they will discharge me, although that might be a stretch.  But I am beginning to feel like I am really close to the end of this broken leg situation.  Have a good weekend to all of you here and beyond the pond!