Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Prayer for Unity

Heavenly Father, this world is in such need of unity, and especially us, as members of the Body, the Church, for which your son gave His life. 

There are many deceptions with which we are continually faced, and on occasion, find ourselves in their grasp; we pray that you will deliver us from these as they are subtly entwined by Satan into our lives. 

We pray that we may be one in you, and one with each other, and that we are continually endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 

All Christians are to be one in the Spirit and it is our duty to observe and keep that unity.  We need to recognize unity as real, and act upon it without a sectarian spirit.
Bless us with the spirit of unity with all of God’s people, wherever we may dwell.  Let our unity be like the precious oil used to anoint Aaron which flowed from his head to his beard and to the edge of his garments . . . let our unity flow from us completely, as the anointing oil flowed, and was a symbol of God’s blessing.  We know that when God’s people live together in unity, they experience God’s blessings.
Bless us richly with the desire to be in unison with all of God’s people, and especially with our brethren locally.  Give us the strength and desire to pull together when situations arise wherein we need each other’s strength, be it in times of sorrow, sadness, despair, tragedy or so many other things that would tend to pull us asunder. 

Instill in us a forgiving spirit so that unity may abound, and guide us that we may be a positive example and strength to all who need our love and support. 

Yes dear Lord, please bless us all abundantly with the spirit of unity in everything we do throughout our lives, but especially a unity of love between our brethren.  Amen.

Written by Ruth Miller
© October 2010

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