Friday, December 30, 2011


As this letter is being read, I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on what is being said, every word. This is written to you from the deepest depths of my heart and soul, and each and every word is said in love and concern for each of you and your future.

All of you can be leaders, but you have to want and desire to do this, and then act upon it.  However, along with being a leader, there is a certain amount of responsibility and humbleness that must show through; the two go hand in hand. 

Always listen to your parents because they will not steer you in the wrong direction.   Regardless of whether you think they don’t know what they are talking about or not, remember, they too were children that had to grow up just like you are doing now, and they have the experience and knowledge of life’s possible consequences that you have not yet acquired.

It is not important to be important in life, but it is important to be important with God if you want to get to heaven.  Life is just a short time on earth, a journey in which we know not what the future holds for us, or how long a future we have, but we can strive to make our future hold for us everlasting life, and that should be your continual focus here on earth. 

Talk to God on a daily basis; He loves his children so very much and wants to hear from you, often. Don’t let a day go by without taking a few minutes out to at least give God a “Hello” and a “Thank You” for all the blessings he has blessed you with, and continually blesses you, whether you are aware of these blessings or not.  I used to think that if people would take a notepad and just write down all the blessings they have been given, they would be so surprised.  God does take care of Hs children in numerous ways.  

I used to have my little talk with God when I was driving by myself in the car; it was quiet and I could think and I could pray with a focused mind.  That was just the way I did it.  I might talk to God more than once this way but that was just me. And the last thing I did before I shut my eyes at night to go to sleep was say a thankful prayer for all the wonderful blessings we have been given day in and day out and to keep me focused on my real life’s journey.  Always remember that with God on your side, you will have all the help you need in life to get to Heaven.

There are so many other things I would like to say to you but most importantly, ALWAYS keep God in your life, remember who you are, remember your upbringing, always be compassionate toward others, have a good outlook on life,  display a good attitude towards others, learn contentment in any given situation, and always let your light shine.  As these words are spoken to you, let then sink into your mind, make a mark on your heart and become embedded in your soul so that these thoughts will be with you during the rest of your life here on earth.  And always remember that your life here on earth is really not about you but about God.  I want to see all of you when your soul is received into the great brilliance of the Heavenly Father and we meet again on eternity's side of life.

Again to all of you, I love you all so very, very much.

Written by Ruth Miller
Copyright:  December, 2011

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