Tuesday, December 6, 2011

(This is a walk down memory lane . . .
a poem about departed souls for which
 we still hold  great memories in a
special place in our hearts)

This is written in different segments,
For different people in all walks of life.

The Son and the Father
As I sat by my window, taking in the view,
My mind drifted back to a time spent with you.
I remembered your tossing the football to me,
To see just how high I could reach it with ease.
We played like this for quite a long time,
Our bodies floating in rhythm and rhyme.
Those times were great but so long ago,
I remember them as they were yesterday though.
My mind wanders further to other days we shared,
When fishing together, ‘though fishes we never snared.
We joked to each other about how we would starve,
If it was up to you to bring fish home to carve.
We never had much fishing luck,
But it sure was fun just trying such!
You were there for me on 24-hour call,
And I knew you were there for the long haul.
You were my mentor all of my life,
 You guided me from the dark and into the light.
I can never repay you for what you have done,
I am just so proud that I was your son.

My mind wanders to that fateful day,
When something went wrong and you went away.
But we know not when our timeline will cease,
Or when we’ll be call to rest in peace.
And this was just your time.

The Daughter and the Mother
I had some time to think today about my Mom and me,
When Dad and brother went out to fish and we went out to eat.
A special time for both of us, we shared each other’s fun,
We laughed and joked and giggled so at each other’s funny puns.
This time was very special to both of us, and I miss this oh so much,
But I am blessed to have shared our lives with such a tender touch.
I know you work so hard with me to shape my future life,
You wanted me so happy with becoming someone’s wife.
I learned so very much from you throughout my younger years,
I thank you Mom for being you as I see you through my tears.
And when I found the perfect man, the one to share my life,
You were there to see me wed and become his loving wife.
You smiled at me so beautiful, with tears just almost there,
You were so happy for me that day as you viewed his loving care.

My mind wanders back to that fateful day,
When something went wrong and you went away.
But we know not when our timeline will cease,
Or when we’ll be call to rest in peace.
And this was just your time.

The Husband and Wife
We were meant to be as life plays out,
Fate threw us together . . . without any doubt
Our paths crisscrossed from the time we were born,
Delivered by the same doctor one bright morn.
We lived in the same area for years at a time,
But it just wasn’t meant for our lives yet to entwine.
We each moved to the same area within several weeks,
But it just wasn’t yet the right time for us to meet.
Then one day, we came face to face,
Fate had put us here, at this time in this place.
Strong bonds were growing within our hearts,
And the love of all loves was beginning to start.
We became as one and had a son,
The real love in life had just begun.
We then were blessed with a little girl,
She knew how to make those heart strings twirl.
Life went on and throughout all of these years,
We were blessed with grandchildren, such sweet little dears.
Now we are just us, as we started out years ago,
It is just the two of us . . . free to come and go.
We loved to garden and while dreaming one early fall day,
I stopped to think of us in “our together days”.
As gardeners we spent time sowing seed everywhere,
Our garden was so full . . . no room there to spare.
We treasured our time while tilling the soil,
The harvest we reaped was so worth all our toil.

My mind wanders back to that fateful day,
When something went wrong and you went away.
But we know not when our timeline will cease,
Or when we’ll be call to rest in peace.
And this was just your time.

The Unborn Child
We had a little soul we’re molding,
In our hearts and soul and mind,
Should it be, this place she’s holding,
Is only for a little time?
This little soul needs so much help,
Much more than we can give,
Her life is up to You dear Lord,
Will she even get to live?
If it be Your will to hold her,
In Your arms so soft and strong,
Then we’ll send her on her journey,
Where little souls like hers belong.

My mind wanders back to that fateful day,
When something went wrong and you went away.
But we know not when our timeline will cease,
Or when we’ll be call to rest in peace.
And this was just your time.

The Love of My Life
I met you on the pathway of a trail I usually walked,
I’d never seen you here before, but we slowly walked and talked.
There was so much in common, ‘twas hard for us to believe,
That somehow our lives entwined on this dirty trail of leaves.
For several months we shared our lives, so beautiful was this,
We thought we had forever, when something suddenly went amiss.
We had not tied the knot you know,
Our life had  yet so far to go.
His  life was quickly fading and I knew our time was short,
But we both knew that God above had put you in His court.
My heart was broken on that day. . . we had so much to share,
And life with him was beautiful  . . . memories will always be there.

My mind wanders back to that fateful day,
When something went wrong and you went away.
But we know not when our timeline will cease,
Or when we’ll be call to rest in peace.
And this was just your time.

Life Itself
While here on this earth, we love and we laugh,
Enjoying the present and reliving the past.
God gave us a memory to recall events of old
To enjoy each time a story is told.
There is a special place in all of our hearts,
For those who once were so dear.
Each little memory is there . . . just inside
To relive again . . . year after year.

Special Days Throughout the Year
I recall the first New Years without my big brother,
And no one could replace him . . . there was none other.
The first Valentine’s Day without my soul mate,
I loved all the memories . . . all were first rate.
Then came Easter and how the kids dressed,
I remembered my Mollie so pretty and blessed.
Memorial Day was so sad, as I had lost my Bill,
While guiding his platoon as they trudged up that hill.
The Fourth of July . . . firecrackers all over the sky,
I thought of my son, for this country he died.
Labor Day brings about memories of Dad,
And now his chair sits empty, so sad.
Veteran’s Day, such patriotism abounds,
Our freedom lives on from souls buried in the ground.
Thanksgiving Day comes with blessings galore,
We’re mindful of all things given us . . . now and before
Christmas comes and mixed emotions arise,
We think of the star once high in the skies.
We miss all our loved ones now on eternity’s shore,
And memories abound in our hearts evermore.

As I think about life and all that has passed,
And how many memories I now have amassed,
And all of the sad times, we’ve tucked far away,
As we know our loved ones would want it that way.
We love and we hold onto those memories so tight,
They help stem the flow of tears in the night.
But deep down we know, all our loved ones would say,
“Please, please to everyone, no tears today.
And just one more thing . . . to all of you here,
Your life must go on through the rest of your years,
Don’t let my departure alter your days,
For my time has ended and that is His way.”

A Memorial of Memorials
© November 22, 2011
By:  Ruth Miller

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