Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Little Chat With God #2

Good Morning Lord:

     I am back . . . I hope I did not catch you at a busy time taking care of all that has to be taken care of in heaven and on earth.  But . . . I have something I want to vent and I could use a little help on this one. 

     Why are a lot of people so dishonest?   Why do they steal?  Why do they lie?  Don’t they know that we have a saying that states “Honesty is the best policy” and I have never known this to fail!

     It used to be that people years ago never even locked their doors as there was no need to, but now, if you go off and leave your doors unlocked, you could come home and find everything has been taken by thieves.  I don’t understand how people can steal someone’s hard-earned possessions.  Does it make them feel powerful that they could do this?  Does it make them feel good to hurt other people? Do they not care what a position they are putting these people in, i.e., they have to go to the added expense to replace the stolen items.  Some people just can’t go out and buy another house of furniture or other special things they hold dear that are now gone.  What is wrong with our society today that people steal for what they want instead of getting out and earning the money for such.  They have no right to take what they want when they want too.

     People today want to short-change you, raise prices outlandishly for more profit, don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves, pick-pockets are thriving, people lie to get ahead, and the list goes on and on.  Even our government is no longer really a “government for the people”.  All they seem to care is what they can do for their future welfare and I do not believe any of them are “honest” according to Noah . . . Sorry, I did not mean Noah of the flood but Noah Webster, the lexicographer.  So many people are caught in downright lies and just shrug their shoulders as if this is the acceptable thing to do.  Some try to say, “Oh, it was just a little white lie and no one got hurt!”  Do people not understand a lie is a lie?  Do they even care anymore?

     When judgment day does come, I am afraid so many people are going to have a very rude awakening as by then it will be too late.  Everyone knows this is wrong but they seem to ignore it.  If they would take a few minutes to see what You have to say about this, they would be shaking in their boots . . . because You say “ . . . and all  liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”  [Rev. 21:8]  You know people do not believe a just and loving God would send any soul to suffer but they fail to realize that we just don’t waltz into the pearly gates without meeting Your requirements . . . and we will be judged by Your standard.  I would think more people would want to check this out but our society does not seem conducive to honesty.   Our children see this on TV comedy shows where lying is the acceptable thing to do when they are young.  Anyway, there are so many other examples I could note here as well.  I just wanted to discuss this with you while I had it on my mind.   This situation is not getting any better; in fact, our society seems to make a mockery of honesty any more.  We can sow the seeds of honestsy for others to see, but as the old cliche goes, "you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make him drink" . . . and so it seems to be with the world.   Thanks for being such a good listener again!  Until next time . . .

Written by Ruth Miller
© May, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

 A Little Chat With God
 (introduction to a series)

Good Morning God:

 I am here to talk with You for a bit . . . I know You are close by and I realize You know my thoughts before I formulate them completely in my own mind.  But . . . I just need to talk to You and  begin my day with You.  It is so comforting to me that I am able to spend time during my day to chat with You . . . at any time . . . or as much as I want . . . as You have no restrictions on time with your children.

I thank You for this day.  I thank You  for my being able to see  and hear this morning.  I’m blessed because You are a forgiving God, a loving God and an understanding God.  You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.  Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought, that was not pleasing to you.  I humbly ask now for Your forgiveness.

Please keep me safe from all danger and harm, especially from the evil one.  Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each day, help me to clear my mind so that I can listen and hear You when You call.

Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over.  Let me continue to see sin through Your eyes and acknowledge it as evil.  And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth and my heart my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness You offer when we ask this of You.

And, at the times when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus’ example  . . . to slip away and find a quiet place to pray.  It is the best solution when I am pushed beyond my limits.  I know that when I can’t pray, You listen to my heart.  Continue to use me to do Your will.

Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others.  Keep me strong that I may help the weak.  Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.  Let me remember to always pray for those who are lost and cannot find their way.  I pray for those who are misjudged and misunderstood.  I pray for those who do not know You intimately.  I pray for those who do not believe, but I thank You that I believe.

I believe that You can change people and You can change situations to the good.  I pray for all my sisters and brothers, for every family member in their household.  I pray that peace, love and joy are in their homes, and especially that contentment reigns in the homes of everyone, and that their needs are met.

I pray that we continue to know and understand that there is no problem, circumstance or situation greater than You can handle.  Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight.  I pray that we will be given the strength to endure our battles here on earth as we journey throughout our life towards our eternal home, and that in the end, we will live with You forever.   

Well, You know how chatty I can be and I have taken up enough of Your time today, but I will be talking with You again in the near future . . . You hold the world in Your hands and I am sure I will need to check in with You on a fairly regular basis for further guidance and help with my life.  Until then . . .

Written by Ruth Miller
Copyright - January 4, 2010

MY FRIEND BOBBY . . .. Just a Christian

My life is like a crayon box, I suppose one might could say,
with colors of orange and red, for hot; and blues for calmer days.
Green was signaling me to go and search the world for all of life,
I was ready for this fun and play, as a kid flying a new kite!

My youth was not perfection with my teenage years and fun,
I tried to have direction, but ‘twas my time for “fun in the sun”.
I’ve done a lot while on this earth, most for family, friends and me,
I can not say it was all with mirth, and kind of like a swelling sea.

Yellow was not my color, because that might just slow me down,
I was too much of a busy bee, being in and out and all around.
My lifestyles changed a little when I reached maturity
Soon after I was married and began a family.
And I did the usual things that a business man would do,
My life was full and busy . . . I watched as my small family grew.
And I really didn’t give much thought to life beyond the blue.

The autumn of my life is now tapping at my door,
Time, I think, is telling me to complete just one more chore.
Darker shades of purple are also nipping at my mind,
And I think my life is getting to my personal end of time.

I know I wasted many years, and precious time galore,
I recognized this through my tears, as I rethink this o’er and o’er.
I know He loves us all so much, though this is hard to grasp,
And I’d let this slip right through my hands, while my life was fleeting past.
But one thing is for certain, I cannot leave, no not just yet,
Some one paid a price for me, and I’m still heavily in His debt!

I know I’ve heard from others that the truth will set you free,
But I am such a sinner Lord, how can I live with thee?
I need to know your word, so that I can better understand,
Just why you had to live your life, in this seemingly cruel land.

I know deep down, I must obey, with all my heart and soul,
And the Bible plainly tells me what exactly I should know.
I’ve heard your word my Lord and my sorrow is deep within,
I’ve confessed to those around me that I’ve lived a life with sin.
And my heart has great desire, to be washed all clean from them.

But, I have to find a baptistery or something that will do,
As now I know immersion is the only way to you.
The waters of baptism over me now, I give my life to thee.
And I now understand the differences between bondage and now free.
There is such great joy within my heart because as you now see,
My life is changed. . I’m just a Christian, and that means all to me.

As I think about the future, should I be granted additional time,
I would like to help others walk this straight and narrow line.
I think to myself, as I lay in my bed, so ill according to all,
God’s hands are entwined with the workings of life, so don’t fail to heed his call.

As the winter of life starts blowing my way,
 like a whisper of time soon to cease,
I feel a deep cold begin seeping inside
  . . . my body wants nothing but sleep.

As I close my eyes to the last ray of life,
my breath getting slower with time.
My lips are still moving and trying to pray
to my Lord who is now on my mind.

I hear the sweet voices of beings unknown,
they are signing a beautiful theme,
My body is lifted, so softly surrounded,
I hardly can fathom this scene.

I see from afar a bright ray of light,
its brilliance so radiant to view,
And the next thing I know, the Master is there,
and he’s saying, “I am waiting for you”.

And now to my family, my relatives and friends,
and all those who come here in sorrow.
Instead let your hearts shed all tears of joy,
for you know where I’ll be on the morrow.

For I’m just a Christian, and I am at home,
with the Father in heaven above,
And I will be there, just waiting for you,
to come join in His light and His love.

You  know I will be with you . . .if you just peep inside,
as your heart has corner in which I’ll reside.
Memories are made for this reason in mind,
and they will always be there for you just to find.

Now just one more thing to all of you here,
your life must go on through the rest of your years.
Don’t let my parting get out in your way,
for my time has ended and that is God’s way

 Written to Shirely on the
passing of her husband.
 © October 8, 2005

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Spring, summer, winter and fall,
     these are the seasons prepared for us all.
But when you pass through life’s short span of time,
     seasons just come in one lengthy, straight line.

There is but one spring and only one summer,
     then only one fall, with the last being winter.
For us life is lengthy, in our own mind’s time line,
     but our life, generally put simply, is one frame of time.

As my life began feeling the boundaries of age,
     my mind began slowing its pace day by day.
My health was deceiving, and I looked rather great,
     but my mind kept on saying . . . it’s getting late.

I lay down one evening, so tired was I,
     the night was so beautiful, and I closed my eyes.
I dreamt and I tossed amongst deep shades of blue,
     I wasn’t too sure what my dream was to do.

I could not determine if I were dead or alive,
     a touch of soft movement was taking me high.
I floated so freely and was bathed in soft flight,
     ‘twas like wings of a feather where holding me tight.

My flight path was upward and through the sky’s lights,
     their gleaming and twinkling was an unseeming sight.
It was like they were singing a welcome home song, 
     while they continually blinked off and on, off and on.

My pathway continued in swift upward array,
     such softness surrounded me and kept me at bay.
When all of a sudden, this gate should I see,
     just standing there open and waiting for me,

We flew through its openness and oh, what a sight,
     a place of such beauty, all brilliantly white.
My mind kept on saying, many angels are here,
     they’re bringing you home to your Lord to be near.

We flew o’er the opulence and brilliant white light;
     never had I witnessed such a beautiful sight.
The angels took over and swiftly we flew,
     to the great throne of God, with such a radiant hue.

I was with the Great Master, my tongue could not move,
     I just wanted to sing all his praises anew.
A voice started speaking, in a mysterious way;
     it held such stark beauty in all it had to say.

This voice was so soft, yet commanding in tone,
     the love that came forth just sent chills through my bones.
The message was so loving, but simple and mild,
     when he turned and said to me “Welcome my Child”.

Written by Ruth Miller for Martha
Explaining Her Dream of Heaven
May 16, 2005


I knew a lady with a beautiful face,
She carried herself with such dignity and grace.
She gave of herself, all that she could,
All to do for you, she most certainly would.

She loved her family, her children and friends,
She loved the world about her, everywhere she went.
She showed her love in so many ways,
She was so worthy of all of our praise.

Her eyes always sparkled . . . a deep shade of blue,
You could tell she was focusing them solely on you.
She could converse with you on any level,
And in her own way, she made you most comfortable.

She was a lady in every way, shape and form,
With her main focus being on her heavenly home.
If she were not there, when the church met together,
You knew she was home, sick, on her bed of feathers.

She did not take lightly, the Word of our God,
The Bible was her book, and through it she’d trod.
She walked the pathways of the disciples and all,
Learning all she could, so she would not fall.

She would read this daily and learn more in depth,
It was a great storybook, and one with her step.
She was a great teacher and firmly would stand,
On the Word of God, while living in this land.

She taught many children so many of His ways,
She would do it again if she could . . . this very day.
Her love of the Lord was as beautiful as could be,
Her sights on Him daily, hoping Him soon to see.

I see my friend now, so sick in her chair,
I look at her and think, it doesn’t seem fair.
She lived her life, an example for us all,
God, please take her fast when you come to call.

Don’t let her suffer much longer in this forlorn land,
And if Your Will be, come take her frail hand.
Let her eyes slowly close to life this one final time,
And her thoughts be with You in your home sublime.

Caress her gently in your strong, loving arms,
So that her soul will come to no harm.
Bathe her in your beautiful, bold and bright light,
Hold her so softly . . . hold onto her tight.

Breathe on her soul, the life of the blessed,
So you will be with her at her time to rest.
We love her and miss her, but we know where she lies,
In your loving care, above beautiful blue skies.

Written about Martha
(After visiting her at the nursing home)
October 2, 2006

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I know you are struggling so with your life
And at this time, you have much strife.
No one knows why such things occur,
But the road of life is at best, unsure.

However it goes, our pathway of life,
We have been given a guiding light.
He knows your every heart’s concern,
He knows how bad for life you yearn.

He knows your each and every thought,
He knows the heaviness of your heart.
He is aware of your cry to be cured,
Long life with family again reassured.

We are tested and tried day in and day out,
Of that I am certain, without any doubt.
It may be small things, a decision or two,
Just making sure of which road you choose.

We do this so much we probably don’t think,
About things in life and just how they sync.
But He is there, guiding your soul,
Helping you reach your eternal goal.

You may think and say to Him:

I need You in my life, and now even more than before,
You know, dear Lord, exactly just why my heart is sore.
I need some encouragement and a strong will to go on,
Please send me added strength to see each new dawn.

Walk with me daily, each step of the way,
Help me through all of these very dark days.
I know I can do this with You by my side,
Please give me the strength to ride out this tide.

Pick me up lovingly when I stumble and fall,
Send me the strength to once more stand tall.
And as evening covers my world all in dark,
Please be here Lord, and do not me depart.

Help me through this seemingly long strife,
Help me to feel better with each new day’s light.
Give me the faith to greet each coming day,
Knowing Your love will show me the way.

Strengthen me Lord in my fragile faith, 
And know you’re beside me in this time of wait.
Hear my prayers Lord and help me abide,
In Your Word always, I solemnly try.

A poem of encouragement to
My friend, Ed
© February  22, 2011


If I knew it would be the last time
that I'd see you fall asleep,
   I would tuck you in more tightly
   and pray the Lord, your soul to keep. 
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
   I would give you a hug and kiss
   and call you back for one more. 
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
   I would video tape each action and word,
   so I could play them back day after day. 
If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute or two
   to stop and say "I love you,"
   instead of assuming you would know I do. 
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
   well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
   so I can let just this one slip away. 
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
   and we always get a second chance
   to make everything right. 
There will always be another day
to say our "I love you's",
   And certainly there's another chance
   to say our "Anything I can do's?" 
But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
   I'd like to say how much I love you
   and I hope we never forget, 
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
   And today may be the last chance
   you get to hold your loved one tight.. 
So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
   For if tomorrow never comes,
   you'll surely regret the day, 
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
   and you were too busy to grant someone,
   what turned out to be their one last wish. 
So hold your loved ones close today,
whisper in their ear,
   Tell them how much you love them
   and that you'll always hold them dear, 
Take time to say "I'm sorry," "please forgive me,"
"thank you" or "it's okay".
   And if tomorrow never comes,
   you'll have no regrets about today 
