Monday, May 16, 2011

MY FRIEND BOBBY . . .. Just a Christian

My life is like a crayon box, I suppose one might could say,
with colors of orange and red, for hot; and blues for calmer days.
Green was signaling me to go and search the world for all of life,
I was ready for this fun and play, as a kid flying a new kite!

My youth was not perfection with my teenage years and fun,
I tried to have direction, but ‘twas my time for “fun in the sun”.
I’ve done a lot while on this earth, most for family, friends and me,
I can not say it was all with mirth, and kind of like a swelling sea.

Yellow was not my color, because that might just slow me down,
I was too much of a busy bee, being in and out and all around.
My lifestyles changed a little when I reached maturity
Soon after I was married and began a family.
And I did the usual things that a business man would do,
My life was full and busy . . . I watched as my small family grew.
And I really didn’t give much thought to life beyond the blue.

The autumn of my life is now tapping at my door,
Time, I think, is telling me to complete just one more chore.
Darker shades of purple are also nipping at my mind,
And I think my life is getting to my personal end of time.

I know I wasted many years, and precious time galore,
I recognized this through my tears, as I rethink this o’er and o’er.
I know He loves us all so much, though this is hard to grasp,
And I’d let this slip right through my hands, while my life was fleeting past.
But one thing is for certain, I cannot leave, no not just yet,
Some one paid a price for me, and I’m still heavily in His debt!

I know I’ve heard from others that the truth will set you free,
But I am such a sinner Lord, how can I live with thee?
I need to know your word, so that I can better understand,
Just why you had to live your life, in this seemingly cruel land.

I know deep down, I must obey, with all my heart and soul,
And the Bible plainly tells me what exactly I should know.
I’ve heard your word my Lord and my sorrow is deep within,
I’ve confessed to those around me that I’ve lived a life with sin.
And my heart has great desire, to be washed all clean from them.

But, I have to find a baptistery or something that will do,
As now I know immersion is the only way to you.
The waters of baptism over me now, I give my life to thee.
And I now understand the differences between bondage and now free.
There is such great joy within my heart because as you now see,
My life is changed. . I’m just a Christian, and that means all to me.

As I think about the future, should I be granted additional time,
I would like to help others walk this straight and narrow line.
I think to myself, as I lay in my bed, so ill according to all,
God’s hands are entwined with the workings of life, so don’t fail to heed his call.

As the winter of life starts blowing my way,
 like a whisper of time soon to cease,
I feel a deep cold begin seeping inside
  . . . my body wants nothing but sleep.

As I close my eyes to the last ray of life,
my breath getting slower with time.
My lips are still moving and trying to pray
to my Lord who is now on my mind.

I hear the sweet voices of beings unknown,
they are signing a beautiful theme,
My body is lifted, so softly surrounded,
I hardly can fathom this scene.

I see from afar a bright ray of light,
its brilliance so radiant to view,
And the next thing I know, the Master is there,
and he’s saying, “I am waiting for you”.

And now to my family, my relatives and friends,
and all those who come here in sorrow.
Instead let your hearts shed all tears of joy,
for you know where I’ll be on the morrow.

For I’m just a Christian, and I am at home,
with the Father in heaven above,
And I will be there, just waiting for you,
to come join in His light and His love.

You  know I will be with you . . .if you just peep inside,
as your heart has corner in which I’ll reside.
Memories are made for this reason in mind,
and they will always be there for you just to find.

Now just one more thing to all of you here,
your life must go on through the rest of your years.
Don’t let my parting get out in your way,
for my time has ended and that is God’s way

 Written to Shirely on the
passing of her husband.
 © October 8, 2005

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