Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Little Chat With God #2

Good Morning Lord:

     I am back . . . I hope I did not catch you at a busy time taking care of all that has to be taken care of in heaven and on earth.  But . . . I have something I want to vent and I could use a little help on this one. 

     Why are a lot of people so dishonest?   Why do they steal?  Why do they lie?  Don’t they know that we have a saying that states “Honesty is the best policy” and I have never known this to fail!

     It used to be that people years ago never even locked their doors as there was no need to, but now, if you go off and leave your doors unlocked, you could come home and find everything has been taken by thieves.  I don’t understand how people can steal someone’s hard-earned possessions.  Does it make them feel powerful that they could do this?  Does it make them feel good to hurt other people? Do they not care what a position they are putting these people in, i.e., they have to go to the added expense to replace the stolen items.  Some people just can’t go out and buy another house of furniture or other special things they hold dear that are now gone.  What is wrong with our society today that people steal for what they want instead of getting out and earning the money for such.  They have no right to take what they want when they want too.

     People today want to short-change you, raise prices outlandishly for more profit, don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves, pick-pockets are thriving, people lie to get ahead, and the list goes on and on.  Even our government is no longer really a “government for the people”.  All they seem to care is what they can do for their future welfare and I do not believe any of them are “honest” according to Noah . . . Sorry, I did not mean Noah of the flood but Noah Webster, the lexicographer.  So many people are caught in downright lies and just shrug their shoulders as if this is the acceptable thing to do.  Some try to say, “Oh, it was just a little white lie and no one got hurt!”  Do people not understand a lie is a lie?  Do they even care anymore?

     When judgment day does come, I am afraid so many people are going to have a very rude awakening as by then it will be too late.  Everyone knows this is wrong but they seem to ignore it.  If they would take a few minutes to see what You have to say about this, they would be shaking in their boots . . . because You say “ . . . and all  liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”  [Rev. 21:8]  You know people do not believe a just and loving God would send any soul to suffer but they fail to realize that we just don’t waltz into the pearly gates without meeting Your requirements . . . and we will be judged by Your standard.  I would think more people would want to check this out but our society does not seem conducive to honesty.   Our children see this on TV comedy shows where lying is the acceptable thing to do when they are young.  Anyway, there are so many other examples I could note here as well.  I just wanted to discuss this with you while I had it on my mind.   This situation is not getting any better; in fact, our society seems to make a mockery of honesty any more.  We can sow the seeds of honestsy for others to see, but as the old cliche goes, "you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make him drink" . . . and so it seems to be with the world.   Thanks for being such a good listener again!  Until next time . . .

Written by Ruth Miller
© May, 2011

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