Monday, May 2, 2011


A sad heart toils slowly through the day,
     Wondering just why things are this way.
Touched by love and fear and grief,
     The spark of life gone . . .  stolen like a thief.

You pace, you cry, you worry and pray,
     You’re concerned ‘bout how to get through this day.
Your life is shattered to the marrow in your bones,
     Your heart now in shreds, your soul inwardly groans.

Life’s pathways can seem totally asunder,
     Some days make no sense. . . we simply wonder.
Other days are simple and full of life,
     Then there are those sudden days of strife.

Becoming a parent is a great task indeed,
     Supplied with no manual on how to proceed.
We train our children day in and day out,
     And pray that maturity will soon come about

God gave each of us a free will, we  know,
     But children have a certain line to tow.
When an adult they become and out on their own,
     We hope and pray good seeds have been sown.

We pray for their well being, the decisions they make,
     And  this is life, which in stride we must take.
When things go wrong, and we want to be there,
     Best not to be, this is their “affair”.

Parents hurt so when things go amiss,
     But maybe there’s a reason for just such as this.
No one wants to see things go awry,
     And we silently cry to ourselves,  Oh my, Oh why?

We put ourselves through such an emotional state,
     We think our parenting has not been first rate.
We tend to blame ourselves, taking a guilt trip for sure,
     But sometimes, things are meant for us to endure.

Your job as a parent has long been completed,
     You can’t take the attitude of “I’ve been defeated”.
There are sources at play here beyond your control
     And yes, in time, some may take their toll.

You can be there by phone, in their times of need,
     But don’t be surprised if your advice they won’t heed.
They know deep down, things have gone way too far,
     And they know they’ve crossed the “line on the bar”.

Satan puts things before us, a little at a time,
     He entices us to play along with his little rhymes.
We don’t see the error until it’s too late,
     And then there is trouble . . . what a sad state.

Sometimes, however,  in God’s mercy and wisdom,
     Such toll has to be taken to gain back our freedom.
Maybe, just maybe, this is a blessing in disguise,
     Sometimes we have to go down before we can rise.

We have a Father who loves us so much,
     He  knows and certainly feels our pain as such.
He hurts with us and is really engulfed in our pain,
     He knows you think that you are going insane.

We pray for His guidance throughout each coming day,
     We pray for His strength to carry us on our way.
We pray for our children that they finally see,
     Just what this is doing to us, John and me.

We pray that they realize their life is a sham,
     We pray for their strength to take this in hand.
We pray for the child throughout all of this,
     And that You will protect her with nothing amiss.

We pray that You will guard her, keep her safe,
     From the ugliness that is there, possible anger and hate.
We pray their attitudes and actions will not mar her mind,
     We pray she will understand and be ever so kind.

We beg your intervention Lord, whatever form that may take,
     Help them to realize the horribleness of this sad mistake.
Strengthen their resolve to see through to Your light,
     Please guide them Oh Lord,  bring them into your sight.

We have come before You this day with our pleas,
     We know our burdens You’ll help  to relieve,
We will continue to come to you, every day of our life,
     For we know that You too want to see this go right.

Our souls are emptied, deep down to the core,
     Our hearts are broken, so jagged and sore.
Our tears flow so freely day after day,
     But we know through You is the only way.

Written to my Special Friend
for encouragement
©January 21, 2010

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