Thursday, May 5, 2011


I know you are struggling so with your life
And at this time, you have much strife.
No one knows why such things occur,
But the road of life is at best, unsure.

However it goes, our pathway of life,
We have been given a guiding light.
He knows your every heart’s concern,
He knows how bad for life you yearn.

He knows your each and every thought,
He knows the heaviness of your heart.
He is aware of your cry to be cured,
Long life with family again reassured.

We are tested and tried day in and day out,
Of that I am certain, without any doubt.
It may be small things, a decision or two,
Just making sure of which road you choose.

We do this so much we probably don’t think,
About things in life and just how they sync.
But He is there, guiding your soul,
Helping you reach your eternal goal.

You may think and say to Him:

I need You in my life, and now even more than before,
You know, dear Lord, exactly just why my heart is sore.
I need some encouragement and a strong will to go on,
Please send me added strength to see each new dawn.

Walk with me daily, each step of the way,
Help me through all of these very dark days.
I know I can do this with You by my side,
Please give me the strength to ride out this tide.

Pick me up lovingly when I stumble and fall,
Send me the strength to once more stand tall.
And as evening covers my world all in dark,
Please be here Lord, and do not me depart.

Help me through this seemingly long strife,
Help me to feel better with each new day’s light.
Give me the faith to greet each coming day,
Knowing Your love will show me the way.

Strengthen me Lord in my fragile faith, 
And know you’re beside me in this time of wait.
Hear my prayers Lord and help me abide,
In Your Word always, I solemnly try.

A poem of encouragement to
My friend, Ed
© February  22, 2011

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