Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The Lord Giveth and He taketh away,
But why us, sometimes we say.
We know not why --  no rhyme, no reason,
But every soul does have their season.

A little soul we have here still, 
Residing peacefully in her cocoon,
We plead to know, O Lord your Will,
And pray we’ll be enlightened soon.

Our faith in you, O Lord,
Is strong, steadfast and sure,
We know that You will guide us,
Our situation to endure.

We believe Your love is always there,
More abounding than we know,
And we understand that You will guide us,
And keep our spirits from sinking low.

Strengthen us in our tears,
Guide us in our fears,
Uplift us in our sorrow,
Help us through each tomorrow.

And with this little soul we’re molding,
In our hearts, our soul and mind,
Should it be, this place she’s holding,
Is just special for a little time?

We think about her life to come,
And contemplate our joy,
But while inside her little home,
Can only with her future toy.

This little soul needs so much help,
Much more than we can give,
Her life is up to You, Yourself,
As just to how she’ll live.

If it be Your Will to hold her,
In your strong and so soft hands,
Then we’ll send her on her journey,
So her soul with You will stand.

She’ll not be from us far away,
Just right inside our hearts,
We just have to enter there,
And look back on former thoughts.

We’re returning Gabriella to You,
For her care ‘till we arrive,
“cause You know everything to do,
So her soul with You will thrive.

Yes, our hearts are deeply saddened,
And our eyes are closed with tears,
As we return this blessed bundle,
To keep You company through our years.

We know we’ll get to see her,
In the joyous bye and bye,
When our years here have grown dim,
And take our journey through the sky.

Written to a young couple
on the birth & passing of their  premature daughter,
By Ruth Miller

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